From pregnancy through the teen years, raising healthy, safe and strong children is tough for any family. We’re here to help. We fund programs and services for pregnant women, families with infants and children under 6, afterschool and summer programs for school-age children, and mentoring and other programs for teens.
To see if your family is eligible for services, please call 888-634-7900
Once you call, you will be directed to one of the following agencies or services based on your family's needs:
This entry agency helps pregnant women and their families find medical and support services – from nutrition and mental health counseling to nurse-home visiting. If you or someone you know is pregnant and in need of help, HMHB will determine which program is best for you.
This entry agency screens children under age 6 for any developmental or behavioral issues that could affect growth and development – and, ultimately, children’s ability to be successful in school. If you have questions about your young child’s growth and development, a HomeSafe child development specialist can help.
We offer free, positive parenting seminars throughout Palm Beach County for all parents and caregivers. This program, called Triple P, also offers free one-on-one sessions to families who may need extra help building a positive parent-child relationship. If you have parenting questions, or find yourself struggling to handle your child’s behavior, we can help.
We provide match funding and scholarships so more Palm Beach County children can access quality child care and afterschool care, as well as safe and stimulating summer camp programs.
We also support mentoring in the community, as well as TOP (Teen Outreach Program) clubs for middle and high school students, which build self-esteem and self-advocacy skills.
Our BRIDGES sites are neighborhood hubs in 10 communities across Palm Beach County that help parents raise children to be healthy, safe and strong. Each BRIDGES is unique but many offer fun, engaging parent-child activities as well as information and support to families.
If you are caring for a relative’s child, or if you’re a foster parent, or a parent with a child who needs educational advocacy in school or legal advocacy in the juvenile court system, we can help. You can …
More Parenting Resources – At Your Fingertips
Check Out the EveryParent App & Website
The EveryParent Campaign offers those parenting in Palm Beach County a unique, local resource full of tips, info and spot-on advice personalized for your family.
The EveryParent website allows you to …
- Learn about what to expect as your child grows.
- Get advice from local experts.
- Find answers to parenting questions and programs that can help.
The EveryParent apps (available for Android and Apple (iOS) devices) allows you to …
- Stay one step ahead of key moments in your child’s life.
- Get notifications from local experts to help make parenting easier.
- Save priceless memories to your child’s digital timeline.