Jose Luis Rodriguez, Esq. | biography
2300 High Ridge Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
United States
Jose Luis Rodriguez, Vice Chair of Children’s Services Council’s board, has served in various professional capacities including as an Assistant City Administrator and Chief Human Resources Officer in municipal government and formerly as a senior manager at the South Florida Water Management District. He previously served as Assistant General Counsel and Special Assistant to the Governor of Florida and practiced law in the private sector. He also served as a Florida Elections Commissioner and a member of the Pine Jog Environmental Education Center Board of Directors. Jose Luis is an advocate and volunteer for non-profit organizations that help children with special needs and autism. He received his law degree from Nova Southeastern University and Bachelors from the George Washington University.
* Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County does not propose, recommend or endorse gubernatorial appointments to the Council. Those interested in serving should apply to the Governor's Office of Appointments at this site: https://www.flgov.com/appointments.